Superman Statue
I really enjoy this one. Hallmark sold it
through their Gold Crown stores a while back as part of
a series of Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman statues. Unfortunately
this was during Superman's "hippie" phase in the
comics, so unless you want to see Fabio in blue tights there's
no reason to go near the "Modern Superman" edition.
This one, though, is pure Golden Age. The
pose is taken from the cover of Superman (Vol 1) number
11, and they even threw in a card-size reproduction of that
cover for display with the statue, if you're so inclined.
The statue goes the original illo one better by giving Superman
a more handsome face than the standard squinty dude Joe
Shuster specialized in. Plus the anatomy's a bit easier
on the eye; Joe always drew Superman a bit on the stocky
The "breaking free from chains"
bit seems to be a perennial favorite with Superman artists.
A variation was used as the original Supermen
of America logo, a Curt Swan take was used in the upper
left corner of Superman comics in the 70's (before DC adopted
their "circle of stars" look) and Curt's version
as well as one by Neal
Adams graced all manner of merchandise for years. Maybe
the reason the image resonates so strongly is because it
represents Superman's freedom from things that constrain
the rest of us. Aside from flying -- the ultimate freedom
-- the ability to escape bondage is arguably the strongest
image in the Superman repetoire. Besides, it's hard to make
a statue of a guy flying!
statue measures in at about ten and a half inches tall,
and has a Superman-shield-shaped base with an individually
numbered plaque. Looks good on the old bookshelf.
