Comic collecting is such a serious pursuit
these days, what with mylar bags and backing boards and
acid-free boxes and hermetically sealed "slabs,"
it's hard to believe there was once a time we were encouraged
to write in our comics or even cut them up for coupons,
paper dolls or desktop dioramas.
Don't tell anyone, but I had a friend who
-- gasp! -- would roll a comic into a tube, shove it in
the back pocket of his jeans, then hop on his bike and ride
off with a THPPPPPP! sound from the baseball card held between
the spokes of the front wheel with a wooden clothes pin.
What can I say, we were dumb kids. Some of
us even took our Star Wars figures out of the box and (get
ready) played with them, instead of hanging them on a pegboard
and waiting for eBay to be invented.
Ah well, anyway, in celebration of those simpler
times, here's a word puzzle to while away the idle moments.
If you want to fill it out, I'd advise printing it instead
of writing on your screen with a Sharpie. I'm not that crazy.