Back in the Sensational 70s we used to see these full-page
ads for superhero-related merchandise, drawn (usually) by
the students at Joe Kubert's School of Cartoon and Graphic
These ads were always fascinating to me, for a number of
reasons. First of all, superhero-related merchandise wasn't
nearly as ubiquitous in the 70s as it is today, and unless
you lived in a town big enough to have a Toys-R-Us (I didn't),
it's possible you'd never see any of this stuff at all. So
the thought of a store and/or warehouse somewhere devoted
to nothing but superhero stuff was pretty mind-blowing.
Somebody out there probably knows what the letters stood
for in "NCG Merchandise," but it ain't me. All I
know is that within a couple years, they were putting out
catalogs of stuff under the name Heroes World, and like
this ad the pulp paper catalogs were illustrated from start
to finish with "artist's renditions" of the products
for sale, presumably because it was cheaper than photographing
the stuff and printing catalogs on glossy paper stock.
Fair enough, I guess, but it always struck me as a bit weird
to expect people to order stuff based on a drawing that might
or might not have reflected the product. For instance, I remember
an ad for 12-inch Mego figures of Superman, Jor-El and Wonder
Woman that looked
like it was drawn by Joe Kubert himself, and I can tell
you for a fact Joe's pictures looked a gazillion times better
than the actual figures (I had the Superman). But on the opposite
end of the scale, you had artists who looked to have dashed
off sketches without much care or interest, which might have
hampered sales of stuff people could have found desirable,
had they seen the real deal.
For the record, here's some of the stuff advertised above
as it looked in real life:

It must have felt particularly weird for those artists to
re-draw packaging art done by other artists they'd heard of,
or even knew, like in this case Dick Giordano (on the puzzle
can), Wayne Boring and Carmine Infantino (on the books).
Heroes World ultimately folded for reasons unknown to me,
but given how big superhero merchandising has become, and
how well-positioned the company was by its foresight, you'd
have thought they'd be bigger than Apple by now. Personally,
I have to wonder if it wasn't those hand-drawn catalogs that
did them in; I understand they're considered collector's items
these days, but I still say it's crazy to expect customers
to buy something based on a doodle.